HMY and Kier Construction were appointed by the Department of Education to design a new two storey teaching block to accommodate science and technology for The Howard School in Rainham, Kent as part of the Department for Education Priority School Building Programme 2. The existing school is a 9FE boys secondary school with a 150 students in a mixed sixth-form, part of the Howard Multi-Academy Trust.
Following an options appraisal the final site masterplan provided for a new building to replace existing technology facilities that are the end of their life. The development is not intended to increase the school role but to build a new teaching block at the edge of the complex of existing buildings, decant existing facilities and then demolish the dilapidated buildings to create a new open social space at the heart of the school. The proposed new extension provides a total of 5 new Design Technology classrooms, 4no. science classrooms, 2no. IT classrooms and ancillary accommodation. The design addresses the different external ground levels at each entrance to provide a fully accessible building.
The design process was rapid with a concept design completed in 6 weeks, planning submitted after 12 weeks and a tender design completed in the following 15 weeks. HMY acted at Lead Consultant, Architect and Principal Designer.
The two storey building is based up Kier Construction KSchool specification which is a steel framed building with exposed precast concrete floors to provide thermal mass. Insulation levels are higher than current Building Regulations standards and with improved airtightness demonstrate HMY’s ‘fabric first’ approach. The spaces are naturally ventilated with good levels of daylight for operating machinery and equipment. The result is a simple and sustainable low energy solution providing a new public facing building for the school with generous spaces for the staff and students.