The Southborough Community Hub is a new community facility for the people of Southborough and High Brooms in Kent. It is designed to provide a flexible, multi-use community building providing a library, community hall, community rooms, medical centre, town council offices and retail space. In addition, a separate sports pavilion is proposed including changing rooms, facilities for the football club and Southborough Town Council maintenance staff.
A Masterplan of the Southborough Hub was granted planning approved in December 2017. However the project exceeded the budget available and HMY were appointed as part of the contractors Design & Build team to look at alternative solutions to bring the project back on budget and deliver a more cost effective solution which has been achieved, the project is complete and open for business.
The Medical Centre is part of the community hub complex to provide a new facility for a GP group practice (St Andrews Medical Centre). Although this is integrated as part of the Hub building, it has to function as an independent building in terms of operation and security. It therefore has its own public entrance and an independent staff entrance. The medical centre is also required to achieve a BREEAM rating of Excellent as a condition of NHS funding. The spatial and technical requirements for the medical centre are set out by NHS guidance documents and have been developed with representatives from St Andrews Medical Centre.